Read on to find all the results and learn who has become the ultimate AWS DeepRacer League champion.
Continue reading “AWS DeepRacer League Championships 2024 – the last race”Read on to find all the results and learn who has become the ultimate AWS DeepRacer League champion.
Continue reading “AWS DeepRacer League Championships 2024 – the last race”re:Invent 2024 is around the corner and as recently announced by AWS, the finals in Las Vegas will be the last chance to participate in an AWS organised competition. AWS DeepRacer will live on in the console during 2025 and then transition to an open source AWS Solution that you will be able to deploy into your own AWS account. This will operate in a similar way to DeepRacer Event Manager, which was open sourced to allow people to manage physical events. This will allow DeepRacer to live on in communities and companies that want to continue to use it to introduce people to AI/ML and have some fun along the way. I’m sure there will be lots more news on this as it evolves.
Continue reading “AWS DeepRacer League 2024 Championship Finals – The Last (Competitive) Dance!”Watching my 2½-year-old son, Greyson, play in general, pick up things, and explore the world has reminded me of how curiosity is the engine of discovery. He sees things that most of us would not, like a single tiny ant crawling across the floor. That same curiosity brought all of us to AWS DeepRacer. Some of us jumped in because it’s a challenge, some because we’re interested in learning machine learning, and some because it’s a great way to learn by doing. I was in this for career and personal development.
Continue reading “My Journey with DeepRacer”In the vibrant halls of South Hills High School, Chief Information Officers Denise and Sophie embarked on a mission to infuse the DeepRacer Autonomous Race with a sense of identity and purpose. Recognizing the importance of a memorable acronym to encapsulate the essence of the project, they dove headfirst into the creative process, determined to craft something that would capture the imagination of all who encountered it.
Continue reading “Revolutionizing Computer Science Education: The DeepRacer Autonomous Race Experience”DeepRacer-for-Cloud provides a great way for developers to train DeepRacer models on EC2 (or other cloud compute instances, or even local servers) however many users have noticed that unlike the official AWS console it didn’t provide the kind of friendly web UI showing the current state of training.
While there are some fantastic log analysis notebooks available these can be a little tricky to set up and often require re-loading vast amounts of log data to get a refreshed view of the metrics.
Deepracer-for-Cloud v5.2.2 is now available and has added an exciting new feature which enables real-time metrics visualisation using Grafana.
Update – This new functionality has now also been added to DeepRacer-on-the-Spot.
Continue reading “DeepRacer-for-Cloud v5.2.2 now available with new real-time training metrics”Starting 1st of March, new and seasoned racers are beginning their quest for the title of the AWS DeepRacer Champion. Will it be a completely new racer again like in 2023? Or will one of the racing legends claim their bragging rights?
Read on to learn about the format and the rules
Continue reading “Announcing AWS DeepRacer League 2024. New year, new rules”After five years of hosting our community on Slack, the AWS Machine Learning Community is moving to Discord.
Over the past years many people have joined and contributed to the community. People have shared countless tips & tricks and helped people with their ML and DeepRacer journey.
Slack has been at the core for the Community’s activity from day one of it existence. We would not get to where we are without it. Over the time, we have learned to leverage its strengths and live with limitations.
Over the past year we have noticed that more and more of this knowledge is disappearing due to Slack’s limited history, harming our ability to grow and sustain the community. This harms community engagement because many channels are empty by now. Slack also does not provide us with the tools we need to further grow and sustain the community.
Slack will stay around for a while, whilst we migrate to Discord. We will slowly reduce the number of available channels. Announcements made in our new Discord server will be relayed to Discord to ensure nobody misses a thing!
You will find our new home at join.deepracing.io
Thanks for being a member of this community, and we hope to see you again soon!
It’s a wrap on the 2023 Season of DeepRacer. Let’s have a look at how the finals have played out.
Continue reading “AWS DeepRacer Championships 2023: Celebrating 5 years of racing”We were able to run many DeepRacer events in Buenos Aires in 2023; I thought about writing this article to describe how things were put together. The bottom line is that I wanted to gain experience in physical racing but needed a track. Many racers face the same problem, and I get asked how I did it. Finding a university and building a DeepRacer community around it was the solution for me.
Continue reading “AWS DeepRacer activities in Buenos Aires (2023)”Get to know some of our finalists, how they found this year’s competition, their history with DeepRacer, goals for the Championship and some hobbies!