A couple words about the last DeepRacer meetup in New York before re:Invent 2019, provided by Martin Paradesi.
The third meetup of AWS DeepRacer Community: NYC was held at the AWS Loft on November 26th. There were 7 people in attendance at the event, including 4 who appeared on the AWS DeepRacer TV: New York episode.

The attendees built a skeleton track about a third of the size of the AWS re:Invent 2019 track and tested a few models. It appeared that a few robust models were able to make the DeepRacer turn the corners quite well, while the rest made the DeepRacer veer off track.

A few attendees hope to try out some of their models during the qualifying event for the AWS DeepRacer Championship Cup at AWS re:Invent 2019 next week.
If you want to know about upcoming events in New York, be sure to join the meetup group, also join the AWS DeepRacer Community and visit channel #meetup-us-nyc. If you want to organise your own event and would like help getting started, visit channel #meetup-organisation. We’re always happy to help.