Announcing: AWS DeepRacer League 2022 on-line and in person

Join thousands of contestants on the learning path and race for the knowledge, prizes, glory and friends in the exciting Reinforcement Learning powered tournament.

I’m Tomasz Ptak, a senior software engineer at Duco, an AWS Machine Learning Hero, a DeepRacer racer (named Breadcentric), a hobbyist baker and a leader of the AWS Machine Learning Community on Slack where we learn and race, and help each other start and grow our adventures in the cloud. Let me introduce this year’s AWS DeepRacer League season.

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AWS DeepRacer League Update #28 September Finale Special

This is one of the two remaining finale races this season. We’ve got a few rookies joining the race and challenge some of the regulars looking to secure their spots in the championships.

We are awaiting details about what to expect during the championships (apart from it being all-virtual again). It’s a terrible pity that we won’t be able to meet. DeepRacer draws people together, sparks collective curiosity, it’s not surprising that we have had so many racers over the last years and even less surprising that we’ve had so many of them join the Community.

In the meantime let’s have a look at how the racers did in the September finale.

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