Last month the ending of Pro Division was pretty intense but it was nowhere near the June ending.
AWS DeepRacer
AWS DeepRacer is a 1/18th scale autonomous race car but also much more. It is a complete program that has helped thousands of employees in numerous organizations begin their educational journey into machine learning through fun and rivalry.
Visit AWS DeepRacer page to learn more about how it can help you and your organization begin and progress the journey towards machine learning.
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DeepRacer News
AWS Machine Learning NanoDegree Scholarship Program at Udacity
Udacity and AWS invite you to participate in the scholarship program where you can be given access to a Machine Learning NanoDegree teaching various aspects of working with machine learning and deploying it in production. Registrations have been extended to 12th of July. See the details.
We’ve had 18,000 students join the community in the last week and it’s really exciting, all the enthusiasm!
Finale Races
On Thursday 8th of July at 5:30 pm PST (10:30 pm AEDT, Friday 1:30 am BST) tune in to main AWS Twitch channel: to see us fighting for the places in AWS DeepRacer 2021 Championships in Las Vegas!
DeepRacer Underground
A live physical race in Object Avoidance format will happen in London.
The live stream will take place on the 13th of July at 16:00 BST/17:00 CET on
You can qualify in this community race until 11th of July. Remember you need to provide a car model to David in the Community Slack to race.
Join David Smith and me as we will be running the models submitted to the races.
July Races
Old races end, new races start. This month tracks offer a mixture of long straights and brutal turns. Interestingly, this month it’s three cold-start laps, not a continuous laps race!

Visit the AWS DeepRacer Console to join the fun!.
Pro Division

Race info:
- 62.24 meters long
- 107 centimeters wide
- Head-to-bot format with four bot cars cruising at 2 m/s with lane changes every 4-6 seconds
- Racers are trying to complete three laps
- Each collision and each driving off the track results in a five seconds penalty
- Top 16 go on into a live race which will be streamed on Twitch to fight for places in the League Finals and AWS DeepRacer EVOs
All submissions Update time: 2021-07-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-06-20 11:00:00 UTC Racers: 128 (+15) Total submission attempts: 68168 (+41467) Best total time: 00:58.384 (-00:00.487) by JJ Mean total time: 02:50.904093750 (-00:00.059392976) Best lap: 00:19.041 (-00:00.136) by JJ Mean best lap: 00:51.874875 (+00:00.158795354) Mean average lap: 00:56.967703125 (-00:00.019792450)
We’ve had 15 more racers join in the last ten days, two of them jumping right into top 16. Mean time improvement of a whopping 0.059 seconds suggests that either most of new racers were very slow or all the racers were very stagnant. I vote option one.
In the Battle of Ludicrous Speed JJ held on to his first spot and managed to improve the time by almost half a second. Not a lot, sure, but note that there’s not much left to improve any more. Also note that his total time improved by more than three times the best lap – this means that he has delivered most improvement in the slower laps. Very impressive. Not far behind him are RogerRabbit and Karl-NAB. Both of them unsurprisingly on the podium and attempting to challenge both JJ and the one minute barrier, ending just around half a second above the minute and over two seconds behind JJ. He’s really tough to beat.
Top 20 submissions Update time: 2021-07-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-06-20 11:00:00 UTC Racers: 20 Total submission attempts: 43526 (+26143) Best total time: 00:58.384 (-00:00.487) by JJ Mean total time: 01:06.237700 (-00:06.460200) Best lap: 00:19.041 (-00:00.136) by JJ Mean best lap: 00:21.378200 (-00:01.873950) Mean average lap: 00:22.078850 (-00:02.153350)
In the top 20 it’s a much more interesting story. Almost 6.5 seconds improvement per racer says a lot. Even more – only one racer did not improve since last update.
The whole NYCU group has qualified this month. Students from the CGI lab got us used to occupying top spots with times beyond what other racers could dream of. I wonder if it is them still learning their ways this year or other racers catching up. After a relatively cautious entry in May, this month after ZhengYi submitted a strong model early Yi-Li and Yoway joined in the last days and relatively quickly climbed into the top 16.
The best qualifying racer rosscomp1 has made great improvement in the last month. Second comes JPMC’s TeamOne from BuenosAires. Just note that TeamOne has qualified to pro division in May. After just missing out last month we see the return of GT-DevelopersIO into third spot. Welcome back!
Since we’re mentioning rookies, SorinB also deserves a round of applause for making it into the top 16 for the first time.
Finally, a friendly pat on the back for Matt who lost his spot to Rober in last hours of the race. Next time!
Just note the difference. Last month the 1st-16th gap was in the area of 16 seconds. I though it was insane then, but then how should I call this month’s situation? The gap between rosscomp1 and Rober is exactly 4.687 seconds. Since we’re fighting for the best lap here, let’s say all laps are equal, that gives just over 1.5s difference between the best and the sixteenth lap if we maintained these results in the Finale.
Here is the Pro Division top 20, racers in bold will take part in the finale race streamed live on Twitch on the 8th/9th of July (see news above):
Rank | Racer | Total Time | Avg Lap | Best Lap | Resets | Submissions |
1 (↔0) | JJ | 00:58.384 (-00:00.487) | 00:19.461 (-00:00.162) | 00:19.041 (-00:00.136) | 0 (-0) | 3080 (+2495) |
2 (↔0) | RogerRabbit | 01:00.458 (-00:03.717) | 00:20.152 (-00:01.239) | 00:19.474 (-00:01.521) | 0 (-0) | 3500 (+1717) |
3 (⬆2) | Karl-NAB | 01:00.596 (-00:05.790) | 00:20.198 (-00:01.930) | 00:19.669 (-00:01.274) | 0 (-0) | 3693 (+2590) |
4 (⬆6) | rosscomp1 | 01:04.430 (-00:09.018) | 00:21.476 (-00:03.006) | 00:20.539 (-00:01.064) | 0 (-1) | 1805 (+1446) |
5 (⬆31) | JPMC-TeamOne-BuenosAires | 01:04.709 (-01:04.944) | 00:21.569 (-00:21.648) | 00:20.814 (-00:14.823) | 0 (-5) | 512 (+492) |
6 (⬆1) | GT-DevelopersIO | 01:04.871 (-00:03.939) | 00:21.623 (-00:01.313) | 00:21.086 (-00:00.004) | 0 (-1) | 2425 (+1517) |
7 (⬇4) | ZhengYi-NYCU-CGI | 01:05.777 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.925 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.155 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 113 (-0) |
8 (⬇4) | dartjason | 01:05.942 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.980 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.627 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 3094 (+1072) |
9 (⬆9) | AIDeepRacer | 01:07.476 (-00:13.347) | 00:22.492 (-00:04.449) | 00:22.081 (-00:02.620) | 0 (-1) | 538 (+417) |
10 (⬇1) | AJM-Model-1 | 01:07.521 (-00:02.567) | 00:22.507 (-00:00.855) | 00:22.145 (-00:00.702) | 0 (-0) | 3878 (+2424) |
11 (⬆5) | Duckworth | 01:07.529 (-00:09.445) | 00:22.509 (-00:03.149) | 00:21.747 (-00:01.985) | 0 (-1) | 3127 (+2160) |
12 (⬇1) | TonyJ | 01:07.867 (-00:06.269) | 00:22.622 (-00:02.090) | 00:22.169 (+00:00.011) | 0 (-1) | 2490 (+2173) |
13 (–) | Yi-LI-NYCU-CGI | 01:07.886 (–:–.—) | 00:22.628 (–:–.—) | 00:20.472 (–:–.—) | 1 (–) | 404 (–) |
14 (⬆6) | SorinB | 01:08.121 (-00:15.280) | 00:22.707 (-00:05.093) | 00:22.345 (-00:04.602) | 0 (-0) | 1958 (+1709) |
15 (⬇7) | RobinCastro-DBS | 01:08.443 (-00:00.532) | 00:22.814 (-00:00.177) | 00:22.599 (+00:00.029) | 0 (-0) | 2586 (+203) |
16 (–) | Yoway-NYCU-CGI | 01:08.737 (–:–.—) | 00:22.912 (–:–.—) | 00:20.761 (–:–.—) | 1 (–) | 204 (–) |
17 (⬇11) | Ernesto | 01:08.743 (-00:00.009) | 00:22.914 (-00:00.003) | 00:22.615 (-00:00.142) | 0 (-0) | 2537 (+1517) |
18 (⬇4) | Breadcentric | 01:09.012 (-00:07.133) | 00:23.004 (-00:02.377) | 00:22.469 (-00:02.226) | 0 (-0) | 3515 (+2255) |
19 (⬇7) | Rober | 01:09.117 (-00:06.479) | 00:23.039 (-00:02.159) | 00:22.133 (-00:02.665) | 0 (-0) | 1217 (+1003) |
20 (⬇5) | Matt | 01:09.135 (-00:07.689) | 00:23.045 (-00:02.563) | 00:22.623 (-00:02.392) | 0 (-0) | 2850 (+1806) |
I had to fight till the last day to stay in the top 16. There were a few tricky aspects to this Pro Division. The track wasn’t that difficult but surely the bots were much more challenging. You see, bots are not moving in a way that respects the physics of a simulation. Rushing at 2m/s, on the sharpest turn, while changing the lane at the same time? 2m/s on a turn is a speed at which “real” agents would uncontrollably part with the track. Now add to it that the car starts the race between two such bots and may struggle to get in front of such a pair.
Open Division

Race info:
- 26.18 meters long
- 107 centimetres wide
- Simpler and shorter than the pro track but still pretty challenging with a variety of straights and turns
- Time Trial format
- Competitors need to complete three laps and total time counts for their classification
- Each off-track results in five seconds penalty.
- Racers fight for qualification to the Pro group which is won by the top 10%
- They will also receive a Pro Welcoming Kit which is a bit of a mystery
The Open Division track is slightly easier with a whole section removed but still brings many challenges to the racers. Especially the sharp turn introduced in place of that section is interesting and might prove challenging.
All submissions Update time: 2021-07-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-06-20 11:00:00 UTC Racers: 1133 (+385) Total submission attempts: 7767 (+2863) Best total time: 00:46.640 (-00:01.403) by JPMC-Rogue-Hyderabad Mean total time: 04:13.923824360 (+00:06.363337729) Best lap: 00:14.995 (-00:00.486) by JPMC-Ace-Hyderabad Mean best lap: 01:18.478022948 (+00:02.094926691) Mean average lap: 01:24.640928508 (+00:02.121102305)
We’ve had 385 new racers join this month which is pretty impressive. With 1133 racers we’ll be having exactly twice as many new Pro Division racers as in May.
Many of the finalists appear to be the Udacity scholarship students which makes me wonder how many we’ll see in July after having had 18,000 if them join the AWS DeepRacer Community last week. Should be fun! Let’s hope many of them will stay in the league just like after the last scholarship in 2019.
Mean total time has increased which is generally not surprising with many unexperienced racers joining. I think however that we’ve had some unprecedented movement in the top 20:
Top 20 submissions Update time: 2021-07-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-06-20 11:00:00 UTC Racers: 20 Total submission attempts: 1370 (+792) Best total time: 00:46.640 (-00:01.403) by JPMC-Rogue-Hyderabad Mean total time: 01:22.301450 (-00:07.318700) Best lap: 00:14.995 (-00:00.486) by JPMC-Ace-Hyderabad Mean best lap: 00:26.027800 (-00:01.901800) Mean average lap: 00:27.433500 (-00:02.439500)
Mean total time has improved by 7 seconds. I can see some JPMC racers (including Ace and Rogue at the top, congratulations and welcome back), some DevelopersIO, some IVECloud and two Sebastians Portela. Maybe a company and personal account?
Rank | Racer | Total Time | Avg Lap | Best Lap | Resets | Submissions |
1 (↔0) | JPMC-Rogue-Hyderabad | 00:46.640 (-00:01.403) | 00:15.546 (-00:00.468) | 00:15.010 (-00:00.568) | 0 (-0) | 411 (+393) |
2 (↔0) | JPMC-Ace-Hyderabad | 00:46.862 (-00:01.346) | 00:15.620 (-00:00.449) | 00:14.995 (-00:00.486) | 0 (-0) | 131 (+107) |
3 (–) | skoota | 01:01.048 (–:–.—) | 00:20.349 (–:–.—) | 00:19.499 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 88 (–) |
4 (⬇1) | Sing-1-Chetak | 01:02.914 (-00:02.874) | 00:20.971 (-00:00.958) | 00:20.174 (-00:00.694) | 0 (-0) | 121 (+58) |
5 (⬇1) | baldder | 01:16.374 (-00:02.150) | 00:25.458 (-00:00.716) | 00:24.305 (-00:00.938) | 0 (-0) | 19 (+2) |
6 (⬆58) | JPMC-KWGK-HongKong | 01:20.048 (-01:03.868) | 00:26.682 (-00:21.290) | 00:25.136 (-00:19.537) | 0 (-1) | 16 (+12) |
7 (–) | gist | 01:21.054 (–:–.—) | 00:27.018 (–:–.—) | 00:26.185 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 38 (–) |
8 (–) | SebastianPortela | 01:23.584 (–:–.—) | 00:27.861 (–:–.—) | 00:24.330 (–:–.—) | 2 (–) | 4 (–) |
9 (⬇4) | edxtore-com-team1-yang | 01:23.590 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.863 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.324 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 20 (-0) |
10 (⬇4) | Alpha-KK | 01:25.243 (-00:03.678) | 00:28.414 (-00:01.226) | 00:28.102 (-00:01.406) | 0 (-0) | 140 (+114) |
11 (⬇4) | Pedro-Santos | 01:29.394 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.798 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.807 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 65 (-0) |
12 (⬇4) | HBeserra | 01:30.258 (-00:00.000) | 00:30.086 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.454 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 24 (+18) |
13 (⬇3) | My1stDR-Model | 01:32.265 (-00:02.057) | 00:30.755 (-00:00.685) | 00:30.198 (-00:00.803) | 0 (-0) | 89 (+14) |
14 (⬇5) | USJT-LIGHT-YEAR-TR00P | 01:33.121 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.040 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.453 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 19 (-0) |
15 (⬇1) | Hennessey911 | 01:33.711 (-00:03.155) | 00:31.237 (-00:01.051) | 00:30.991 (+00:00.675) | 0 (-1) | 33 (+7) |
16 (–) | Sebastian-Portela | 01:34.194 (–:–.—) | 00:31.398 (–:–.—) | 00:31.189 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 12 (–) |
17 (⬇5) | BIL-yonsei-first | 01:35.054 (-00:00.680) | 00:31.684 (-00:00.227) | 00:30.943 (-00:00.651) | 0 (-0) | 33 (+14) |
18 (⬇7) | Michael-IVECloud | 01:35.683 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.894 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.727 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 86 (-0) |
19 (⬇6) | ssm-DevelopersIO | 01:35.999 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.999 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.871 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 6 (+1) |
20 (–) | killer | 01:38.993 (–:–.—) | 00:32.997 (–:–.—) | 00:32.863 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 15 (–) |
As mentioned, if 113 racers are to qualify, the last qualifying time of 02:32.890 belongs to a racer called 1123. This is just four seconds more that last update’s SergeBot1 who was the last racer at the time. SergeBot1 has not improved the time.
Let me close this update with a full list of new Pro Division qualifiers:
Rank | Racer | Total Time | Avg Lap | Best Lap | Resets | Submissions |
1 | JPMC-Rogue-Hyderabad | 00:46.640 | 00:15.546 | 00:15.010 | 0 | 411 |
2 | JPMC-Ace-Hyderabad | 00:46.862 | 00:15.620 | 00:14.995 | 0 | 131 |
3 | skoota | 01:01.048 | 00:20.349 | 00:19.499 | 0 | 88 |
4 | Sing-1-Chetak | 01:02.914 | 00:20.971 | 00:20.174 | 0 | 121 |
5 | baldder | 01:16.374 | 00:25.458 | 00:24.305 | 0 | 19 |
6 | JPMC-KWGK-HongKong | 01:20.048 | 00:26.682 | 00:25.136 | 0 | 16 |
7 | gist | 01:21.054 | 00:27.018 | 00:26.185 | 0 | 38 |
8 | SebastianPortela | 01:23.584 | 00:27.861 | 00:24.330 | 2 | 4 |
9 | edxtore-com-team1-yang | 01:23.590 | 00:27.863 | 00:25.324 | 1 | 20 |
10 | Alpha-KK | 01:25.243 | 00:28.414 | 00:28.102 | 0 | 140 |
11 | Pedro-Santos | 01:29.394 | 00:29.798 | 00:25.807 | 2 | 65 |
12 | HBeserra | 01:30.258 | 00:30.086 | 00:26.454 | 2 | 24 |
13 | My1stDR-Model | 01:32.265 | 00:30.755 | 00:30.198 | 0 | 89 |
14 | USJT-LIGHT-YEAR-TR00P | 01:33.121 | 00:31.040 | 00:28.453 | 2 | 19 |
15 | Hennessey911 | 01:33.711 | 00:31.237 | 00:30.991 | 0 | 33 |
16 | Sebastian-Portela | 01:34.194 | 00:31.398 | 00:31.189 | 0 | 12 |
17 | BIL-yonsei-first | 01:35.054 | 00:31.684 | 00:30.943 | 0 | 33 |
18 | Michael-IVECloud | 01:35.683 | 00:31.894 | 00:28.727 | 1 | 86 |
19 | ssm-DevelopersIO | 01:35.999 | 00:31.999 | 00:31.871 | 0 | 6 |
20 | killer | 01:38.993 | 00:32.997 | 00:32.863 | 0 | 15 |
21 | AgentS | 01:40.784 | 00:33.594 | 00:33.395 | 3 | 29 |
22 | DeepRacerDemo | 01:41.714 | 00:33.904 | 00:30.136 | 2 | 4 |
23 | Error-IVECloud | 01:43.788 | 00:34.596 | 00:32.929 | 1 | 22 |
24 | mayumi-nakagawa | 01:43.923 | 00:34.641 | 00:28.252 | 4 | 63 |
25 | D-Racer | 01:45.875 | 00:35.291 | 00:32.199 | 2 | 2 |
26 | NFS-DevelopersIO | 01:47.386 | 00:35.795 | 00:33.397 | 1 | 11 |
27 | Yupa-DNPds | 01:50.624 | 00:36.874 | 00:33.466 | 1 | 14 |
28 | ENK2-DNPds | 01:50.995 | 00:36.998 | 00:32.333 | 2 | 14 |
29 | ShowCry | 01:51.868 | 00:37.289 | 00:35.456 | 1 | 18 |
30 | IVECloud | 01:51.890 | 00:37.296 | 00:32.626 | 3 | 2 |
31 | Prakhar | 01:52.517 | 00:37.505 | 00:34.785 | 1 | 26 |
32 | WM | 01:53.599 | 00:37.866 | 00:33.736 | 8 | 12 |
33 | farrdoug | 01:54.531 | 00:38.177 | 00:38.001 | 0 | 40 |
34 | Try-race | 01:54.538 | 00:38.179 | 00:36.151 | 1 | 12 |
35 | J0N4TH4N | 01:55.286 | 00:38.428 | 00:35.875 | 1 | 7 |
36 | Boavista | 01:55.538 | 00:38.512 | 00:36.403 | 7 | 10 |
37 | Safe-v1 | 01:55.643 | 00:38.547 | 00:33.247 | 3 | 143 |
38 | as828423 | 01:56.088 | 00:38.696 | 00:33.597 | 3 | 41 |
39 | racerMOON | 01:56.411 | 00:38.803 | 00:34.606 | 2 | 45 |
40 | Infrared-Wildcat-11 | 01:57.786 | 00:39.262 | 00:32.959 | 3 | 12 |
41 | youngsun | 01:57.935 | 00:39.311 | 00:38.946 | 0 | 25 |
42 | shingya | 01:57.994 | 00:39.331 | 00:31.942 | 6 | 18 |
43 | KathleenHess | 01:58.002 | 00:39.334 | 00:34.476 | 3 | 15 |
44 | DababyConvertible | 01:58.938 | 00:39.646 | 00:39.455 | 3 | 29 |
45 | Blue-Flash | 02:00.466 | 00:40.155 | 00:40.060 | 3 | 1 |
46 | MikeUOG | 02:00.601 | 00:40.200 | 00:35.076 | 3 | 6 |
47 | flash-cchen | 02:00.805 | 00:40.268 | 00:36.532 | 5 | 7 |
48 | Red-Cow-Rally-Team | 02:01.128 | 00:40.376 | 00:34.264 | 3 | 15 |
49 | defreez | 02:01.442 | 00:40.480 | 00:34.852 | 4 | 18 |
50 | EvMoon | 02:01.995 | 00:40.665 | 00:34.738 | 3 | 5 |
51 | TeamRazer | 02:02.084 | 00:40.694 | 00:37.865 | 1 | 1 |
52 | G1T1 | 02:02.862 | 00:40.954 | 00:37.469 | 5 | 46 |
53 | mmakki11 | 02:03.188 | 00:41.062 | 00:40.299 | 0 | 45 |
54 | RaunakingRacer | 02:03.397 | 00:41.132 | 00:33.054 | 5 | 27 |
55 | NJ-1-TeamELVN | 02:03.643 | 00:41.214 | 00:37.487 | 6 | 25 |
56 | Cong-Jin | 02:04.531 | 00:41.510 | 00:38.923 | 7 | 49 |
57 | ttt | 02:04.924 | 00:41.641 | 00:35.984 | 9 | 1 |
58 | Oleg-and-Daniel | 02:05.601 | 00:41.867 | 00:35.938 | 7 | 17 |
59 | SophiaWin | 02:05.737 | 00:41.912 | 00:40.581 | 0 | 20 |
60 | ArgonRacer | 02:05.741 | 00:41.913 | 00:40.857 | 1 | 10 |
61 | SGCC | 02:06.605 | 00:42.201 | 00:38.481 | 2 | 19 |
62 | jiakangcar | 02:06.791 | 00:42.263 | 00:42.254 | 6 | 12 |
63 | HiMyFrd | 02:07.842 | 00:42.614 | 00:41.280 | 3 | 5 |
64 | Icereaper21 | 02:07.937 | 00:42.645 | 00:33.588 | 5 | 5 |
65 | CMH-DeepRacer-004 | 02:08.257 | 00:42.752 | 00:39.119 | 5 | 5 |
66 | The-Apprentice | 02:08.283 | 00:42.761 | 00:39.479 | 2 | 22 |
67 | James-Nakano | 02:09.220 | 00:43.073 | 00:38.230 | 9 | 53 |
68 | RoseCar-1 | 02:09.317 | 00:43.105 | 00:41.735 | 0 | 1 |
69 | BrynosWorldRacing | 02:09.318 | 00:43.106 | 00:39.369 | 8 | 3 |
70 | Buonacera | 02:09.324 | 00:43.108 | 00:39.399 | 8 | 25 |
71 | CGS-LargeLattice | 02:09.457 | 00:43.152 | 00:38.467 | 14 | 13 |
72 | masaminh | 02:09.601 | 00:43.200 | 00:40.066 | 1 | 9 |
73 | Yogi-L-Drago | 02:10.186 | 00:43.395 | 00:41.201 | 1 | 11 |
74 | myfirstracer | 02:12.658 | 00:44.219 | 00:43.266 | 6 | 16 |
75 | RodrigoSuarezLausz | 02:13.121 | 00:44.373 | 00:44.060 | 0 | 6 |
76 | Isa001 | 02:13.657 | 00:44.552 | 00:40.738 | 5 | 1 |
77 | Faz | 02:13.744 | 00:44.581 | 00:39.798 | 9 | 6 |
78 | Monash-DeepNeuron | 02:14.394 | 00:44.798 | 00:37.266 | 3 | 11 |
79 | gustavovelascoh | 02:14.667 | 00:44.889 | 00:39.384 | 5 | 25 |
80 | kachow-AI | 02:14.976 | 00:44.992 | 00:39.222 | 6 | 35 |
81 | FedericoAvila | 02:16.343 | 00:45.447 | 00:43.622 | 10 | 4 |
82 | Firebolt | 02:16.526 | 00:45.508 | 00:40.942 | 5 | 3 |
83 | MJ009 | 02:16.935 | 00:45.645 | 00:34.333 | 12 | 5 |
84 | rorange | 02:17.594 | 00:45.864 | 00:43.179 | 2 | 26 |
85 | Rocky | 02:17.736 | 00:45.912 | 00:43.640 | 1 | 19 |
86 | DaCar | 02:17.926 | 00:45.975 | 00:45.670 | 0 | 9 |
87 | sndy | 02:18.453 | 00:46.151 | 00:39.639 | 13 | 28 |
88 | SLP | 02:19.063 | 00:46.354 | 00:39.328 | 10 | 7 |
89 | CCond | 02:20.044 | 00:46.681 | 00:42.955 | 14 | 22 |
90 | HMai | 02:20.062 | 00:46.687 | 00:43.053 | 5 | 30 |
91 | we-love-the-car | 02:20.869 | 00:46.956 | 00:35.804 | 9 | 2 |
92 | Charles1 | 02:21.122 | 00:47.040 | 00:39.472 | 10 | 4 |
93 | Resourceful-Anaconda-151 | 02:22.011 | 00:47.337 | 00:42.009 | 1 | 23 |
94 | LuckyBoi2 | 02:22.532 | 00:47.510 | 00:42.336 | 9 | 29 |
95 | rgsx | 02:23.914 | 00:47.971 | 00:47.322 | 0 | 7 |
96 | Smaaash | 02:23.992 | 00:47.997 | 00:44.061 | 2 | 4 |
97 | Slick-Tortoise-18 | 02:25.136 | 00:48.378 | 00:46.595 | 7 | 3 |
98 | wsf-test | 02:25.257 | 00:48.419 | 00:41.075 | 3 | 7 |
99 | jknight1 | 02:25.333 | 00:48.444 | 00:44.742 | 2 | 19 |
100 | Mini-Lemming-117 | 02:26.324 | 00:48.774 | 00:46.874 | 1 | 2 |
101 | Deep-WeST-racer | 02:26.547 | 00:48.849 | 00:43.016 | 7 | 9 |
102 | Vicky88 | 02:27.779 | 00:49.259 | 00:45.780 | 8 | 7 |
103 | Mutal | 02:28.132 | 00:49.377 | 00:39.265 | 8 | 22 |
104 | Tigeronz | 02:28.332 | 00:49.444 | 00:47 | 4 | 3 |
105 | LGcar | 02:28.377 | 00:49.459 | 00:46.913 | 7 | 5 |
106 | SergeBot1 | 02:28.538 | 00:49.512 | 00:38.997 | 12 | 11 |
107 | xclouds | 02:29.336 | 00:49.778 | 00:43.937 | 3 | 20 |
108 | Pedro-Rdz | 02:29.976 | 00:49.992 | 00:44.003 | 3 | 45 |
109 | jhshin | 02:30.122 | 00:50.040 | 00:41.984 | 8 | 15 |
110 | Gordon | 02:30.168 | 00:50.056 | 00:37.967 | 7 | 3 |
111 | Dfwdeepracer1 | 02:31.929 | 00:50.643 | 00:41.387 | 11 | 46 |
112 | Furious-Four | 02:32.386 | 00:50.795 | 00:46.736 | 3 | 6 |
113 | 1123 | 02:32.890 | 00:50.963 | 00:50.300 | 0 | 4 |
Thank you. Be sure to visit us next week for some more updates.