Time to review the final April results. Who has made it into the Finale? Who will be racing in the Pro Division?
AWS DeepRacer
AWS DeepRacer is a 1/18th scale autonomous race car but also much more. It is a complete program that has helped thousands of employees in numerous organizations begin their educational journey into machine learning through fun and rivalry.
Visit AWS DeepRacer page to learn more about how it can help you and your organization begin and progress the journey towards machine learning.
Join the AWS Machine Learning Community to talk to people who have used DeepRacer in their learning experience.
DeepRacer News
DeepRacer Open-Sourced
AWS DeepRacer car software is now open source. This means you can learn more than before about how the car software is working but not only that: you can also modify it to build your own project on top of the device, not just race! You can see the code in DeepRacer repo on GitHub.
On top of all that you can also purchase new accessories for your car. Sample projects include works by Community’s Chris Miller, Jochem Lugtenburg and Martin Paradesi. Read more about them on the AWS DeepRacer Robotics Project Page.
AWS DeepRacer League April Finale
Time is nearing to reveal the next three AWS DeepRacer League finalists in the April Finale race. Just a reminder: finalists will take part in the physical event at AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas to compete for the bragging rights, glory and pretty sweet rewards. Qualification also means that a racer wins travel to Vegas, accommodation, conference entry and some pocket money!
The final race will take place on the 13th of May at 5:30 pm PST (14th of May 1:30 am BST, 13th of May 10:30 pm AEDT). It will be presented live on the main AWS Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/aws.
DeepRacer Underground
David Smith returns with live DeepRacer Underground races. The live event will take place on Tuesday 11th of May at 4:00 pm BST on the AWS DeepRacer Twitch. Tune in to see how the models are doing.
Pro Division

Race info:
- 59.233 meters long
- 107 centimetres wide
- Head-to-bot format with four bot cars cruising at 1 m/s without lane changes
- Racers are trying to complete three laps
- Each collision and each driving off the track results in a five seconds penalty
- Top 16 go on into a live race which will be streamed on Twitch to fight for places in the League Finals and AWS DeepRacer EVOs
Let’s see the stats for the whole group:
All submissions Update time: 2021-05-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-04-25 19:00:00 UTC Racers: 119 (+14) Total submission attempts: 65565 (+15097) Best total time: 00:57.102 (-00:00.031) by JJ Mean total time: 03:00.964134454 (+00:05.590743978) Best lap: 00:18.652 (+00:00.074) by JJ Mean best lap: 00:54.758781513 (+00:02.104048179) Mean average lap: 01:00.321084034 (+00:01.863569748)
We’ve had 14 more racers join in the last week including the NYCU students. Who I’ve been waiting for. Before we see how they did let’s focus on the top 20 progress:
Top 20 submissions Update time: 2021-05-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-04-25 19:00:00 UTC Racers: 20 Total submission attempts: 37810 (+5322) Best total time: 00:57.102 (-00:00.031) by JJ Mean total time: 01:06.132750 (-00:03.945500) Best lap: 00:18.652 (+00:00.074) by JJ Mean best lap: 00:21.167850 (-00:00.780) Mean average lap: 00:22.043900 (-00:01.315200)
JJ has managed to hold on to his first place, followed by Karl-NAB who ended just behind him. There was some serious improvement with average total time going down by almost four seconds. Let’s now have a look at the standings:
Rank | Racer | Total Time | Avg Lap | Best Lap | Resets | Submissions |
1 (↔0) | JJ | 00:57.102 (-00:00.031) | 00:19.034 (-00:00.010) | 00:18.652 (+00:00.074) | 0 (-0) | 3772 (+1210) |
2 (↔0) | Karl-NAB | 00:57.516 (-00:00.344) | 00:19.172 (-00:00.114) | 00:18.977 (+00:00.158) | 0 (-0) | 4007 (+1320) |
3 (↔0) | RogerRabbit | 00:58.075 (-00:00.000) | 00:19.358 (-00:00.000) | 00:18.789 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 2935 (+860) |
4 (–) | flatearth | 01:00.734 (–:–.—) | 00:20.244 (–:–.—) | 00:19.818 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 231 (–) |
5 (⬇1) | dartjason | 01:02.903 (-00:00.000) | 00:20.967 (-00:00.000) | 00:20.129 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 1972 (-0) |
6 (⬇1) | JPMC-DriftKing | 01:03.111 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.037 (-00:00.000) | 00:20.901 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 155 (-0) |
7 (⬇1) | Ernesto | 01:04.592 (-00:00.022) | 00:21.530 (-00:00.008) | 00:20.997 (+00:00.061) | 0 (-0) | 2820 (+741) |
8 (↔0) | PolishThunder | 01:04.727 (-00:00.138) | 00:21.575 (-00:00.046) | 00:21.335 (+00:00.583) | 0 (-0) | 6709 (+1250) |
9 (⬇2) | Duckworth | 01:04.768 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.589 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.262 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 2640 (+708) |
10 (⬇1) | AJM-Model-1 | 01:05.672 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.890 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.677 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 1 (-3853) |
11 (⬆4) | Jochem | 01:06.278 (-00:10.393) | 00:22.092 (-00:03.465) | 00:21.191 (-00:02.410) | 0 (-1) | 2166 (+1234) |
12 (⬇2) | GT-DevelopersIO | 01:06.338 (-00:00.000) | 00:22.112 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.191 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 1284 (+495) |
13 (⬇1) | RobinCastro-DBS | 01:06.453 (-00:00.376) | 00:22.151 (-00:00.125) | 00:21.631 (+00:00.110) | 0 (-0) | 3026 (+1055) |
14 (⬇3) | Rober | 01:06.558 (-00:00.000) | 00:22.186 (-00:00.000) | 00:21.809 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 626 (+57) |
15 (⬆4) | Mungi | 01:10.666 (-00:14.410) | 00:23.555 (-00:04.803) | 00:22.471 (-00:01.621) | 0 (-2) | 438 (+345) |
16 (⬆1) | Maikel | 01:11.662 (-00:09.131) | 00:23.887 (-00:03.044) | 00:21.530 (-00:01.523) | 1 (-1) | 987 (+776) |
17 (⬇3) | AIDeepRacer | 01:11.727 (-00:03.503) | 00:23.909 (-00:01.167) | 00:23.584 (-00:01.187) | 0 (-0) | 641 (+353) |
18 (↔0) | Penguin-DNPds | 01:12.559 (-00:11.057) | 00:24.186 (-00:03.686) | 00:21.686 (-00:00.698) | 1 (-2) | 359 (+192) |
19 (⬇6) | Matt | 01:14.506 (-00:00.371) | 00:24.835 (-00:00.124) | 00:22.484 (-00:00.175) | 1 (-0) | 864 (+575) |
20 (⬆17) | Mentaiko-DevelopersIO | 01:16.708 (-01:04.050) | 00:25.569 (-00:21.350) | 00:23.243 (-00:21.463) | 1 (-12) | 2177 (+487) |
Congratulations to RogerRabbit for topping the finale list. Only one new racer in the top 20 – well, not exactly new since it’s the well known flatearth who finished fourth in April’s finale. His last-week entry put him in the fourth place. Many racers have presented very decent improvements. Jochem managed to cut his time by 10 seconds to land in 11th. If he didn’t he would have been 20th and out of the finale. Mungi has managed to cut 14.41 seconds which has made him the second person after flatearth to jump into the finale. It’s also worth mentioning Penguin-DNPds’s improvement of 11.057 seconds which let him defend the last spot in the final. Well done! Finally, a round of applause for Mentaiko-DevelopersIO who with an over one minute improvement jumped by seventeen positions into 20th place. Not enough for the final, sadly.
So what happened to NYCU students? It is important to state clearly that they are still people I expect to see in the finals in Las Vegas. They are good, they have the know-how. Or do they? I haven’t seen the NCTU/NYCU students in head to bot races before. Their best racer in May ended in 23rd with a pretty decent 1:29.588 but that’s not good enough. Could it be that head to bot races are their Achilles heel? They will require some work around this. If they work it out, there will be a clean sweep one month.
Let’s have a look at the time improvements in Pro Division throughout the month:

Congratulations to the finalists. I’m curious if we’ll see a day when JJ is not leading the race this year. In 2019 the leaderboard was dominated by Karl-NAB (JJ joined the league just before the last month). I managed to steal one win from him in September race, just before the first NCTU students joined (and took JJ’s first winning opportunity, something that has not happened very often since).
Open Division

Race info:
- 41.551 meters long
- 107 centimetres wide
- Simpler and shorter than the pro track but still pretty challenging with a variety of straights and turns
- Time Trial format
- Competitors need to complete three laps and total time counts for their classification
- Each off-track results in five seconds penalty.
- Racers fight for qualification to the Pro group which is won by the top 10%
- They will also receive a Pro Welcoming Kit which is a bit of a mystery (We will hopefully know soon as the prize notifications have been sent out for the March races)
Let’s take a look at the overall stats:
All submissions Update time: 2021-05-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-04-25 19:00:00 UTC Racers: 1075 (+169) Total submission attempts: 10319 (+1795) Best total time: 01:04.995 (-00:03.601) by Si Mean total time: 03:53.067682791 (+00:02.802638641) Best lap: 00:19.604 (-00:02.599) by Paul-NAB Mean best lap: 01:10.805756279 (+00:00.927518972) Mean average lap: 01:17.688893023 (+00:00.934209800)
Having 169 more new racers in the last week is an impressive situation. Both the best total time and best lap results have been beaten although I was hoping for a time under one minute. The more I’m writing that however, the more I remember how long it takes to master the training.
1075 racers means 107 or 108 promotions to Pro Division. Mean total time has become slower which might mean that we’ve had a few late-comers who just tried but didn’t have enough time to improve their results. I’m curious to see how many Open Division racers will return in May.
Top 20 submissions Update time: 2021-05-01 00:00:00 UTC Comparing to 2021-04-25 19:00:00 UTC Racers: 20 Total submission attempts: 2466 (+250) Best total time: 01:04.995 (-00:03.601) by Si Mean total time: 01:15.323050 (-00:04.792150) Best lap: 00:19.604 (-00:02.599) by Paul-NAB Mean best lap: 00:23.843650 (-00:01.154950) Mean average lap: 00:25.107350 (-00:01.597350)
In the top 20 we’ve had some nice improvements and two racers who only started this week. Other than that we’ve had a few racers who haven’t even submitted models. I suspect they may be saving resources for their Pro racing. Let’s have a look at the 108 racers that have most likely won their promotion:
Rank | Racer | Total Time | Avg Lap | Best Lap | Resets | Submissions |
1 (–) | Si | 01:04.995 (–:–.—) | 00:21.665 (–:–.—) | 00:21.266 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 29 (–) |
2 (⬆98) | Paul-NAB | 01:06.952 (-01:14.609) | 00:22.317 (-00:24.870) | 00:19.604 (-00:16.521) | 1 (-11) | 94 (+63) |
3 (⬇2) | alexk | 01:08.596 (-00:00.000) | 00:22.865 (-00:00.000) | 00:22.203 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 144 (+33) |
4 (⬆1) | NewBeginning-Xuq | 01:09.133 (-00:04.133) | 00:23.044 (-00:01.378) | 00:22.413 (-00:01.056) | 0 (-0) | 87 (+61) |
5 (⬆15) | Monkey-King | 01:10.610 (-00:18.901) | 00:23.536 (-00:06.301) | 00:22.867 (-00:05.102) | 0 (-4) | 8 (+3) |
6 (⬆18) | MING-CHUN | 01:10.711 (-00:26.077) | 00:23.570 (-00:08.692) | 00:22.139 (-00:06.067) | 0 (-5) | 31 (+12) |
7 (⬇5) | xiaojuruo | 01:11.517 (-00:00.692) | 00:23.839 (-00:00.230) | 00:22.917 (-00:00.759) | 0 (-0) | 75 (+6) |
8 (⬇5) | BestGTR | 01:12.344 (-00:00.000) | 00:24.114 (-00:00.000) | 00:23.602 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 1501 (+21) |
9 (⬇5) | ThanhHoaChienThang | 01:12.444 (-00:00.000) | 00:24.148 (-00:00.000) | 00:23.817 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 13 (-0) |
10 (⬇4) | Sydney-Uni-CompSci-2020-Qualify | 01:16.074 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.358 (-00:00.000) | 00:22.730 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 23 (-0) |
11 (⬇2) | SumoBoy | 01:16.776 (-00:02.813) | 00:25.592 (-00:00.937) | 00:25.052 (-00:01.012) | 0 (-0) | 44 (+20) |
12 (–) | Hong-HK | 01:16.964 (–:–.—) | 00:25.654 (–:–.—) | 00:24.720 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 5 (–) |
13 (⬇6) | IVE | 01:17.690 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.896 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.069 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 18 (-0) |
14 (⬇6) | CuBinh-VNN | 01:18.700 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.233 (-00:00.000) | 00:24.403 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 6 (-0) |
15 (⬇5) | badger | 01:20.780 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.926 (-00:00.000) | 00:23.497 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 240 (+13) |
16 (⬇5) | AndrewMarsh | 01:20.909 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.969 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.395 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 68 (-0) |
17 (⬇5) | kim | 01:21.719 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.239 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.024 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 13 (+2) |
18 (⬇5) | Holden-Grapes | 01:22.032 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.344 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.996 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 49 (-0) |
19 (⬇5) | Racer-Leo | 01:23.640 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.880 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.946 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 14 (-0) |
20 (⬇5) | hab | 01:23.875 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.958 (-00:00.000) | 00:24.213 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 4 (-0) |
21 (–) | Machio | 01:24.463 (–:–.—) | 00:28.154 (–:–.—) | 00:26.388 (–:–.—) | 1 (–) | 6 (–) |
22 (⬇6) | test0123 | 01:24.532 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.177 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.197 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 38 (-0) |
23 (⬇6) | PauloLosse | 01:27.717 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.239 (-00:00.000) | 00:24.075 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 20 (+5) |
24 (⬇6) | AnBinh-VNN | 01:27.986 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.328 (-00:00.000) | 00:24.214 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 3 (-0) |
25 (⬇6) | Can-AS | 01:28.691 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.563 (-00:00.000) | 00:27.413 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 12 (-0) |
26 (⬇5) | ZivHsu | 01:28.991 (-00:00.997) | 00:29.663 (-00:00.333) | 00:27.796 (+00:00.200) | 0 (-0) | 733 (+417) |
27 (–) | TH | 01:29.658 (–:–.—) | 00:29.886 (–:–.—) | 00:29.132 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 7 (–) |
28 (–) | HPT | 01:32.132 (–:–.—) | 00:30.710 (–:–.—) | 00:28.340 (–:–.—) | 1 (–) | 7 (–) |
29 (⬆18) | NagasaiMudgalaChinni | 01:33.008 (-00:20.721) | 00:31.002 (-00:06.907) | 00:28.194 (-00:02.305) | 2 (-5) | 46 (+22) |
30 (⬇8) | TrickSumo | 01:33.190 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.063 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.379 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 32 (+4) |
31 (⬇8) | Gregorio | 01:33.279 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.093 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.702 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 5 (-0) |
32 (⬇4) | MeAgain | 01:35.391 (-00:05.657) | 00:31.797 (-00:01.885) | 00:29.860 (-00:00.224) | 4 (-1) | 21 (+7) |
33 (–) | MB-13 | 01:36.319 (–:–.—) | 00:32.106 (–:–.—) | 00:29.953 (–:–.—) | 1 (–) | 4 (–) |
34 (–) | Merfoulis | 01:36.521 (–:–.—) | 00:32.173 (–:–.—) | 00:31.622 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 9 (–) |
35 (⬆793) | Roaring-Racer-V2 | 01:37.223 (-04:07.738) | 00:32.407 (-01:22.580) | 00:26.265 (-01:22.408) | 3 (-48) | 13 (+11) |
36 (⬇11) | AS | 01:37.322 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.440 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.191 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 37 (-0) |
37 (⬇11) | egRacer | 01:38.186 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.728 (-00:00.000) | 00:26.209 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 99 (-0) |
38 (–) | tidydata | 01:38.974 (–:–.—) | 00:32.991 (–:–.—) | 00:30.921 (–:–.—) | 4 (–) | 17 (–) |
39 (⬇12) | HaNoiChienThang | 01:39.301 (-00:00.000) | 00:33.100 (-00:00.000) | 00:25.193 (-00:00.000) | 5 (-0) | 8 (-0) |
40 (⬆2) | KasztP | 01:41.645 (-00:11.030) | 00:33.881 (-00:03.677) | 00:27.790 (-00:09.111) | 4 (-2) | 226 (+158) |
41 (⬇12) | Grandorio | 01:41.749 (-00:00.000) | 00:33.916 (-00:00.000) | 00:33.740 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 2 (-0) |
42 (⬇12) | cktim852 | 01:43.198 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.399 (-00:00.000) | 00:33.807 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 5 (-0) |
43 (⬇12) | Georgio | 01:45.059 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.019 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.267 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 12 (-0) |
44 (⬆171) | Aranamor | 01:45.120 (-01:07.483) | 00:35.040 (-00:22.494) | 00:31.683 (-00:25.775) | 2 (-4) | 40 (+24) |
45 (⬇6) | eee | 01:45.468 (-00:05.248) | 00:35.156 (-00:01.749) | 00:25.078 (-00:06.541) | 5 (-1) | 10 (+6) |
46 (–) | THT | 01:45.534 (–:–.—) | 00:35.178 (–:–.—) | 00:26.671 (–:–.—) | 5 (–) | 3 (–) |
47 (⬇15) | SCH-ZARIF-ZA | 01:46.175 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.391 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.734 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 41 (-0) |
48 (⬇15) | kimV2 | 01:46.386 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.462 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.402 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 10 (-0) |
49 (–) | Racey-McRaceFace | 01:46.396 (–:–.—) | 00:35.465 (–:–.—) | 00:32.661 (–:–.—) | 1 (–) | 3 (–) |
50 (⬇16) | mxd | 01:48.142 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.047 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.342 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 26 (-0) |
51 (⬆5) | NotDrunkEnough | 01:48.730 (-00:10.062) | 00:36.243 (-00:03.354) | 00:36.138 (-00:03.395) | 0 (-0) | 12 (+2) |
52 (⬇17) | Awaken | 01:49.501 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.500 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.197 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 15 (-0) |
53 (⬇17) | Kairos | 01:50.053 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.684 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.850 (-00:00.000) | 4 (-0) | 21 (-0) |
54 (⬇17) | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:50.191 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.730 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.674 (-00:00.000) | 7 (-0) | 20 (-0) |
55 (⬇17) | mg | 01:50.208 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.736 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.143 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 31 (-0) |
56 (⬆211) | Solis | 01:50.405 (-01:10.595) | 00:36.801 (-00:23.532) | 00:35.269 (-00:21.703) | 4 (-16) | 12 (+9) |
57 (⬆23) | PraxiusIX | 01:50.542 (-00:19.706) | 00:36.847 (-00:06.569) | 00:34.727 (+00:02.538) | 1 (-8) | 51 (+24) |
58 (⬇5) | Vinay17 | 01:50.832 (-00:07.745) | 00:36.944 (-00:02.581) | 00:31.438 (-00:04.491) | 6 (-2) | 37 (+12) |
59 (⬇19) | Raceralias555 | 01:50.983 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.994 (-00:00.000) | 00:33.449 (-00:00.000) | 5 (-0) | 31 (-0) |
60 (⬇19) | Masoud | 01:51.698 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.232 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.901 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 66 (-0) |
61 (⬆3) | totokich | 01:51.956 (-00:13.218) | 00:37.318 (-00:04.406) | 00:32.474 (-00:00.197) | 6 (-4) | 37 (+2) |
62 (–) | sasuke | 01:52.255 (–:–.—) | 00:37.418 (–:–.—) | 00:32.467 (–:–.—) | 8 (–) | 3 (–) |
63 (⬇20) | PCTibor | 01:52.702 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.567 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.348 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 11 (-0) |
64 (⬇20) | Testio | 01:53.093 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.697 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.070 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 12 (-0) |
65 (⬇20) | gracio | 01:53.108 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.702 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.805 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 4 (-0) |
66 (⬇20) | Yan-QW | 01:53.512 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.837 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.835 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 14 (-0) |
67 (⬇19) | DaNangCoLen | 01:54.311 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.103 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.198 (-00:00.000) | 8 (-0) | 2 (-0) |
68 (⬇19) | aremutem | 01:54.337 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.112 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.393 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 14 (-0) |
69 (⬇19) | QuangTriCoLen | 01:55.083 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.361 (-00:00.000) | 00:29.391 (-00:00.000) | 8 (-0) | 3 (-0) |
70 (⬇19) | m | 01:55.442 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.480 (-00:00.000) | 00:33.518 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 12 (-0) |
71 (⬇19) | LuckyMan | 01:56.644 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.881 (-00:00.000) | 00:31.348 (-00:00.000) | 7 (-0) | 10 (+2) |
72 (⬇18) | DR-1 | 01:58.630 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.543 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.201 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 4 (-0) |
73 (⬇18) | ThumbOrDummy | 01:58.746 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.582 (-00:00.000) | 00:28.660 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 7 (-0) |
74 (⬇17) | Alex-Schultz | 01:59.476 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.825 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.571 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 12 (+6) |
75 (⬇17) | nine9 | 01:59.816 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.938 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.732 (-00:00.000) | 3 (-0) | 7 (-0) |
76 (⬇17) | SvetaIliMileta | 02:00.451 (-00:00.000) | 00:40.150 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.340 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 1 (-0) |
77 (–) | Saltorino | 02:01.060 (–:–.—) | 00:40.353 (–:–.—) | 00:33.391 (–:–.—) | 7 (–) | 2 (–) |
78 (–) | RappiChris | 02:01.086 (–:–.—) | 00:40.362 (–:–.—) | 00:38.527 (–:–.—) | 7 (–) | 7 (–) |
79 (⬇19) | Racer-Dhwani | 02:02.269 (-00:00.000) | 00:40.756 (-00:00.000) | 00:37.722 (-00:00.000) | 4 (-0) | 19 (-0) |
80 (⬇19) | FormulaShreya3000 | 02:03.136 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.045 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.465 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 28 (-0) |
81 (⬇19) | TheThirtyChickens | 02:03.640 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.213 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.140 (-00:00.000) | 4 (-0) | 20 (-0) |
82 (⬇19) | HY | 02:04.325 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.441 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.472 (-00:00.000) | 7 (-0) | 23 (-0) |
83 (–) | naruto | 02:04.955 (–:–.—) | 00:41.651 (–:–.—) | 00:33.387 (–:–.—) | 10 (–) | 6 (–) |
84 (⬇19) | TaylorYorkAWS | 02:05.184 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.728 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.937 (-00:00.000) | 10 (-0) | 8 (-0) |
85 (⬆571) | LeaveMeAloneKimi | 02:05.225 (-02:00.851) | 00:41.741 (-00:40.284) | 00:30.075 (-00:39.199) | 6 (-8) | 51 (+45) |
86 (⬇20) | GT-Racing | 02:06.008 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.002 (-00:00.000) | 00:36.477 (-00:00.000) | 2 (-0) | 291 (+82) |
87 (⬆207) | Reiseij | 02:06.061 (-01:00.409) | 00:42.020 (-00:20.136) | 00:40.665 (+00:06.006) | 0 (-21) | 6 (+4) |
88 (⬇21) | noah-leuthaeuser | 02:06.129 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.043 (-00:00.000) | 00:40.070 (-00:00.000) | 1 (-0) | 1 (-0) |
89 (⬇21) | hashimoto888 | 02:06.286 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.095 (-00:00.000) | 00:36 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 9 (-0) |
90 (⬇21) | fernando | 02:06.580 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.193 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.900 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 10 (-0) |
91 (⬇21) | andijakl | 02:06.789 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.263 (-00:00.000) | 00:32.046 (-00:00.000) | 8 (-0) | 2 (-0) |
92 (⬇21) | EconDemoRacer | 02:07.681 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.560 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.269 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 3 (-0) |
93 (⬇21) | SebVast | 02:07.979 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.659 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.003 (-00:00.000) | 5 (-0) | 7 (+1) |
94 (⬇21) | ProSkillsLULUL | 02:08.382 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.794 (-00:00.000) | 00:34.338 (-00:00.000) | 8 (-0) | 5 (-0) |
95 (⬇21) | Anil-Kuchibhatla | 02:08.541 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.847 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.591 (-00:00.000) | 4 (-0) | 2 (-0) |
96 (⬇21) | xiaochengzi | 02:08.851 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.950 (-00:00.000) | 00:38.200 (-00:00.000) | 6 (-0) | 18 (-0) |
97 (⬇21) | FormulaShreya-3000 | 02:08.958 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.986 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.217 (-00:00.000) | 8 (-0) | 26 (-0) |
98 (⬇21) | grace | 02:09.376 (-00:00.000) | 00:43.125 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.862 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 8 (-0) |
99 (⬇21) | Deepracer004 | 02:09.834 (-00:00.000) | 00:43.278 (-00:00.000) | 00:42.803 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 56 (-0) |
100 (⬇21) | EthanBrenner | 02:10.048 (-00:00.000) | 00:43.349 (-00:00.000) | 00:35.919 (-00:00.000) | 7 (-0) | 23 (-0) |
101 (⬇20) | batowl | 02:11.042 (-00:00.000) | 00:43.680 (-00:00.000) | 00:39.499 (-00:00.000) | 9 (-0) | 3 (-0) |
102 (⬇6) | DitchDigger | 02:11.776 (-00:08.819) | 00:43.925 (-00:02.940) | 00:43.713 (-00:02.898) | 0 (-0) | 30 (+14) |
103 (⬇21) | NationalDayniehongbo | 02:12.414 (-00:00.000) | 00:44.138 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.206 (-00:00.000) | 7 (-0) | 81 (-0) |
104 (⬇21) | KK-SHAHNUR-HS | 02:12.632 (-00:00.000) | 00:44.210 (-00:00.000) | 00:41.539 (-00:00.000) | 4 (-0) | 10 (-0) |
105 (⬆159) | Ashish-L | 02:13.329 (-00:46.987) | 00:44.443 (-00:15.662) | 00:37.127 (-00:14.824) | 13 (-4) | 19 (+8) |
106 (⬇22) | kwx-go | 02:13.603 (-00:00.000) | 00:44.534 (-00:00.000) | 00:43.465 (-00:00.000) | 0 (-0) | 17 (-0) |
107 (–) | RKL | 02:13.980 (–:–.—) | 00:44.660 (–:–.—) | 00:44.251 (–:–.—) | 0 (–) | 6 (–) |
108 (⬇23) | deeplin | 02:15.944 (-00:00.000) | 00:45.314 (-00:00.000) | 00:40.147 (-00:00.000) | 9 (-0) | 4 (-0) |
In 108th we’ve got deeplin with a total time of 2:15.944. This is three seconds faster than the slowest time to qualify the week before which suggests that while a few slower racers have joined, the race should not be treated on a “submit once and you’re in” basis (unless you do spin a nice time and get to the top.

The race changes are much more interesting in the Open Division than in Pro at the moment, the unpredictability of being so open.
Congratulations to all who have qualified. See you in the next update, this time in the May race, before we return to the April finale.